As the early morning sun filtered through the old sash window, it was time to slip out from my heavenly Egyptian cotton sheets and step into a steamy hot shower! I massaged and nourished my long silky hair with a most aromatic Moroccan Argan Oil, feeling rather excited about what I had lined up for the day!

Having prepared and planned my rendezvous, it was time to take one languid, oh-so-casual glance around, and with make up exquisitely applied, hair elegantly styled, complementing my stunning attire, I was ready to venture out and meet my companion.
Of course it'll come as no surprise to you when I express how nervous my gentleman was, especially after I received his final confirmation for our lined up tryst! Oh I couldn't wait, as I knew he'd be seated in his charcoal tailored suit, polished leather shoes, and burgundy silk tie. As anticipated I found him gazing across the restaurant looking rather apprehensive while waiting in anticipation for the familiar sound of stiletto heels.
I sat and leaned over "Bourbon Ciaran, how thoughtful of you, thank you." a rich blend of sweet, fruity, wooden flavours, laced with vanilla and honey. I slipped my right hand along his left leg and squeezed his toned thigh, and with a smile, I sweetly whispered in his ear with my sultry quintessential English voice "It's been a while, how the devil are you?!"
Ciaran is at the peak of his career, well respected, and although we've met several times before many years ago, he's about to embark on a whole new journey. It's a journey that'll feel like the unknown as we began getting reacquainted, and it started with a most delectable lunch. We wined and dined, enjoying each others company, and before long Ciaran's nerves had dissipated, his beautiful eyes locked onto my soft silky lips, and he was ready for me to turn his world upside down once again!

Here's a selfie I took just before catching a cab to Stratton Street!

Thank you Ciaran, I'm very much looking forward to planning our next incredible meeting! I know you are too!!!
I can't express enough the gratitude I have for the exquisite gifts I've received thus far from you, my dear gentleman. My wardrobe is slowly and beautifully expanding, the sheer joy I have is simply wonderful and I will always feel immense appreciation for your continued support. I'm hoping I'll be able to purchase another Tweed suit very soon!!!
Oh how I've missed my incredibly exquisite collection of leather and Tweed outfits!