There's nothing quite like starting your journey with a Role Play scenario! The enjoyment begins when one writes to me with one's fantasy, and from there my creative juices begin to flow!

I'm often asked how I can turn a fantasy into reality. The simple answer, it starts when you write to me with your desires and what you would ultimately like to experience during your time with me.
I decided to write about this particular submissive with his deep desire for everything latex, purely because it's a wonderful example of how Role Play may be carried out together in public and inside the privacy of a well equipped dungeon facility.
It started with an inquiry about a Gentleman's Rendezvous. Now just to put things into perspective, I had seen this gentleman years ago, and this is what he said;
"i hope You don't mind me writing to You, but a few days ago i happened to notice on the UK Mistress Guide website that You are available once again for sessions. What tremendously exciting news, Your gentleman's rendezvous described on Your own website sounds utterly beguiling. i would love to arrange a session with you if at all possible. i haven't had a session myself for some considerable time now, i think i've become slightly bored with the whole scene to be perfectly honest, but seeing You are offering sessions again certainly inspires me to want to experience the very best of the best once more."
WOW this is just the type of session I love sinking my pearly white teeth into as I continued reading on! How exciting, and it all started with an interview at my office! Mmm . . . my office I thought, now let's start with meeting in a pub, and conducting the interview while enjoying a hearty meal, washed down with a glass of wine, or indeed a beer!
The interview was for a 'book keeping' position, so naturally, I'm wanting someone who can work long hours, dedicated, devoted, meticulous, clean, suited and booted. Willing to be flexible, perhaps do some errands, and so this is how the story unfolds. Having arrived early, I made myself comfortable ready for my gentleman friend to enter through the double doors. Oh I was in the perfect position, watching like a hawk! First impression, he arrived exactly at 14.00 hrs, not early, and not a second after time!
We exchanged a few pleasantries, and after ordering our meals and drinks, I could see how excited, yet incredibly nervous he was. The sheer anticipation, build up and preparation the night before can often be overwhelming. Speaking of the night before, I did drop in a gentle reminder:
"I do hope you've had a great bank holiday weekend, as promised here is my gentle reminder, not that you need one for your interview with me tomorrow at 14.00 hrs. The clock is indeed ticking, and with good willing the hours, minutes and seconds won't drag its heels too slowly now that we're so close to meeting up!!! With any luck you'll have a wonderful sleepless night, the mind racing, heart beating, as time with its infamous way of letting us know how much time we have before that all important moment arrives! I'm sure tonight you will be making your preparations, ensuring you don't forget a thing!!!"

My dear prospective employee brought a rucksack with him, and when asked what he intended doing after his interview, he said he was meeting a friend to go running. Mmm . . . I had other ideas, and said he needed to contact his friend to postpone as I wanted to give him a trial run. I asked what was in his bag, and after pressuring him to answer, it was clear he actually had a meeting with a Mistress at a dungeon. I found his latex boots, and latex catsuit!!! "What is this???" I continued pushing him for more detail professing to know nothing of what goes on in a dungeon. "Oh I had no idea!!! I thought 'cbt' was cognitive behavioural therapy" do tell me more, I'm intrigued!" The entire two hours of interrogating while at the pub was not only thoroughly enjoyable but it was intense until finally I lead him to my Office for his trial run. Ahhhh of course my Office is my dungeon!
The entire session was 5 hours! I did receive a lovely email later that evening to say "i’ve probably been in over an hour, but to be honest i’m feeling rather shattered. i started watching some tennis and have hardly moved since. It was a lovely day and an extremely enjoyable session. We must do it again - sooner rather than later."
The all important question, did he get the job? Well putting it concisely ... YES!
Over the many years I've been active in this scene, I've thoroughly enjoyed so many Role Play scenarios, and they can be as real as you want them to be!
I will do anything just for your perfect smile. So so beautiful so talented so amazing!!! Your come back is the best thing in my life. You are definitely the goddess of perfection.