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Arollo Anna 2 Special Edition!

Well, what can I say other than these boots are most definitely made for walking, climbing and clambering in! Firstly a very big thank you to Michael for a most efficient speedy response in delivering for me the most perfect exquisite pair of Arollo Anna 2 Special Edition! I would also like to say thank you to my cameraman for jumping to my attention when I decided we needed to take a swift journey to the coast in a bid to capture a beautiful sunset!

Spontaneity has its advantages, and after a quick phone call I was on my way, whilst a certain gentleman was settling down to his Sunday roast, at least he did manage a few mouthfuls before my timely arrival. After grabbing him by the scruff of his ears and shoving him out the door, we were on our way! Oh well, I'm sure he enjoyed his roast dinner later that evening, cold!!!

Sunday's can be rather quiet, however when there's a beautiful sunset, it often attracts the hoards with their mobile phones in a bid to capture the last few seconds of the brilliant sunrays with its flickering reflections over the rippling sea, before it finally descends below the horizon!

These soles most definitely have a firm grip I would be happy to walk in the snow!

If you are thinking of purchasing a pair, I highly recommend Arollo, especially the Anna 2 Special Edition! They are simply stunning in every way!



2024 - Lady Annabelle - All photos are owned by Lady Annabelle and are not for sharing!

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