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My Diaries Continued . . . . .

​Mind over Matter!

For me the greatest way of stimulating the senses is through the beauty of Role Play within the the esoteric Arts of FemDomme BDSM and Fetish! Over the years I've had the pleasure of creating the most mind blowing sessions from being the Lady of the Manor, Equestrian Lady, Bitch Boss, Seductress, and Disciplinarian. Incorporating all the Fetishes, bringing one's desires to life in a way that I may continue adding layers to enhance one's journey. 

It's recognising all the different facets that come into play when creating a role play scenario, and it starts from the moment one writes to me with one's desires. The physical dynamics of the session itself may seem the most obvious! However, in order to achieve the very best outcome, the location, dungeon with its quality furniture and equipment along with the visuals of my exquisite attire are equally integral, but it is also my knowledge, skills and appreciation for FemDomme BDSM and Fetish. My expertise, adeptness and understanding over many years has given me the ability to provide an all encompassing experience. 

But is goes deeper, as it is knowing how to get into one's mind, extrapolating one's thoughts and transforming them into a meaningful and fulfilling reality. Knowing when one is truly masochistic, rather than misjudging one who believes he needs to be masochistic in order to satisfy or thrill his Dominant.


Many years ago a mere humble middle aged gentleman believed he needed to be caned in order to make me happy! Correspondence floated back and forth and through his writings he expressed a desire to receive Corporal Punishment. I won't bore you with the details as to why, but let's just say he had experienced this pleasure once before! As with all caning sessions for me it is vital one's backside is not obliterated way before time, and so I commenced with a gentle swish and smack with my leather crop. My quiet submissive absorbed the gentle to medium weighted thwacks during the first few rounds, and while doing rather well it was time to switch from my crop to a cane! With a slightly heavier deliverance of a slice and a crack his reaction was somewhat of a jolt and he quickly began to sweat! My submissive begged me to continue, and so I did until . . . the little sweat beads dripped across his brow, his body glistened, clammy to the touch, and his feet began to shake and tremble. I recall lifting my arm right back ready to deliver another sharp blow, but stopped. No, it's ending now! My slave's reaction wasn't right. I removed him from the whipping bench, and had him kneeling in front of my leather boots, I held his chin by the tips of my leather gloved fingers and said in a soft voice "I see you wanted to please me by taking the cane, but you're not really masochistic, are you?! Mmm don't answer! My dear boy this is not what you imagined!" Yet he still begged for me to continue even though his body language painted a completely different picture, and for me I could not continue in this vein! His peachy buttocks had become a sea of blushing shades of deep red, while his skin developed a most leathery feel. 


My slave was extremely appreciative of me explaining why I would not continue with the session, but from then on it became a challenge, I was his addiction. The desire to be caned deepened, and he learned to use it to release all his stresses and anxieties. Mind over matter is real, and through gentle progressive sessions he developed into a true masochist. Pain became his pleasure, and my goodness it showed by the way his heavy pendulums emptied after every caning session, and that's when I had hard evidence that pain for some really does mean pleasure!  

Pleasure and Pain!

Early morning as the sun casts its brilliant light through the old sash window, my thoughts reflect over yesterday's Rendezvous! Nestled in a most idyllic part of the Kent countryside is a stunning estate, with beautifully mowed lawns, traditional cobble paths, maze gardens and centre position is a Manor dating back to 1540 ish! Mmm . . . . enough of the history, let's cut to the chase!!!

The afternoon certainly got off to a flying start when I read his words on X, oh my, what a statement to make:

"I'm sitting here at our secret rendezvous a quivering wreck awaiting the imminent arrival of the Supreme Goddess Lady Annabelle, help oh help!"

As expected, there was my gentleman, dressed to impress, beautifully suited with silk tie and polished leather shoes, ready and waiting to receive my luggage. My stiletto heels sounding staccato along the old natural stone floor as we walked through the main entrance into the lobby, followed by the creaking of old floorboards and grandiose staircase beneath the thick carpet. How exciting knowing that in just a few hours, my submissive will be stripped naked on his knees worshipping my gorgeous leather stiletto boots. 

Well, I did keep him waiting, and as commanded, he was in chastity. The bulge inside his cage continued to keep him on his toes while he followed me like a puppet on a string from the magnificent bedroom, back down the stairs and into the bar. Naturally, one must always enjoy a crystal glass of sauvignon blanc! While savouring the vibrant notes of citrus, with a hint of dry Muscat, there's a sweet smile with a glint in my eyes as I ponder over my plans! There is much to do, but first, I will take my time enjoying a most refreshing drink while in the luxurious comfort of the bar. Rich in décor, oak wall panels, with impressive ceiling mouldings throughout. This really is a place of fine comfort. 

The brilliant sun flooded through the lead diamond windows, it was time to take a stroll around the grounds in my gorgeous stiletto boots, leather jacket and figure hugging Tweed pencil skirt, while my submissive followed in awe!

The wait was almost over, it was time to ascend the stairs and enter the suite. No expense spared with its original wooden floorboards, oil paintings hang from the walls, high decorative ceilings, with lead diamond bay windows overlooking the splendid lawns! What a view!

Well, what can I say other than what a most enjoyable session, in one of the most idyllic locations. A session full of high intensity, ultra sensitivity, beautifully crafted and mapped out to suit my gentleman's desires all wrapped in a wonderful role play scenario. 

​Leather, and Stilettos!

It's time for you to dust out the cobwebs, polish your shoes, press your suit and rid your blues! Yes I do love a rhyme or two!!!

It was certainly a lovely Spring Monday morning, and I can't quite believe we're already entering the second week of April! Seriously where does the time go?!

I've been overwhelmed with messages over the weekend in response to my latest diaries update! With your positive feedback - well what can I say other than WOW, they are very much appreciated.

Session inquiries are coming in thick and fast, and I will endeavour to respond as soon as I can! However, if you've not heard back from me within 48 hrs, do drop in a gentle reminder! 

With the lighter evenings now making quite a difference, it won't be long before the sun rises from its pit around 4am! For those early birds, it's certainly a time for making the most out of your day! An early morning stroll with the dogs can certainly lift one's spirits, along with kick starting one's metabolism, followed by a beautifully prepared hot cup of black mud, and a hearty breakfast! My daily routine includes at least two rounds of high intensity cardio, and weights, as keeping fit means a healthy body and healthy mind! Just imagine my toned thighs wrapped around your torso, squeezing you ever so tight! I wonder how many of you need that extra discipline? Have you over indulged during the winter blues? Are you feeling a little sluggish? In need of a pick me up? Mmm . . . . . I bet you do!

This really is the perfect time of the year to slip into soft genuine leather complementing my exquisite thigh high stiletto leather boots. I can already hear your heavy breathing as you begin to visualise my leather clad physique, standing tall looking down at your naked self as you wait for my leather crop to connect with your peachy buttocks . . . . THWACK!

I've already got that wicked smile with devilish eyes! My cracking sense of humour, a gentle touch, even a little giggle, as one client has already said, "my god it's so good to be back serving you!"

A Day of Reckoning!

The simplicities of a man's mind can more often than not be easily read. Simple creatures, in need of love, attention, a full stomach, and something cold to wash down their throat, and a facilitator to facilitate their need to offload! Call it what you will, but in simple layman terms, they just need a way to empty their heavy pendulums that hang heavy between their thighs! 

I admire the strength of a Dominant male who accepts his weaknesses, thrives at taking on a challenge, whether that's physical or mental, who knows when to step up, or step back, one who is polite without the need to prove himself, or count his blessings when times are tough. Often their extremely high pressured careers can make their very existence rather taxing, giving cause for them to find an outlet for release! Their release may present itself in many ways, going to a football match, trundling off to their local pub, or being in the presence of a Dominant woman receiving the heaviest of judicial canings, or perhaps just being completely bound in leather or rope.  Many may feel a deep desire to be submissive, and for some it just comes naturally. 


Mental health challenges are at an all time high, more so than ever before, so having an outlet such as submitting to a Dominant female is deeply fulfilling. The realisation that you are no longer making decisions, no longer having a say, and you're no longer in control. It is simply your job to serve, you are succumbing to the rituals of FemDomme BDSM and Fetish. All you're doing is giving up a few hours a month, or however frequently you need your release! It's something different, something you know will be a positive in your life, an immense excitement that only you know about. 

For example, a certain well known gentleman flirted for quite some time with the idea of relinquishing control, but he struggled to come to terms with the very thought of submission. The idea did not come naturally to him, it was completely foreign, unchartered territory. It was a mere notion, yet from little acorns . . .  but the longer he thought about it, the more intrigued he became until one day, many years ago, he tripped across my website. He still says to this day!!! Ha, tripped indeed!!!


He has never looked back. Well, that is until I took a break from the scene for a few years! Now that I'm back, my submissive has returned to me, with a new spring in his step! It's 'a day of reckoning' as even after all these years of serving me, the break has made him realise, in a very big way, just how valuable I was to him. During my break, he lost his pizzazz, his zest, which had quite an effect on him. It was a hard lesson, even though he knew how vital it was having that discipline in his life, a need to be caned severely, it was his mechanism for de-stressing. On a positive note, we did keep in touch from time to time during my break, never once having physical contact, but I kept the line open for receiving telephone calls. Whilst calls were not the same, it did at least keep him sane!

Outside of our sessions, he is a dominant man, in complete control of his role in his working career. In fact, he is admired by so many of his colleagues, not because they know what he gets up to during his personal time, ha, if only they knew, but because he really is an exceptional trustworthy character. 

I am truly delighted to be back, to reignite the passion I had before of creating incredible sessions with incredible people. 


As I gaze across the stunning lake enjoying the breath-taking views, my gentleman friend is waiting for my next command. Trekking along the muddy paths and across the lush green fields will mean my submissive will have quite a boot licking task ahead of him! I must say the high winds have certainly brought down quite a few small branches and twigs! My gorgeous stiletto heels will need a thorough spit and polish with his tongue. No doubt that'll be a few hours worth of work!


Oh the mind is the most powerful tool we have - Role Play is no doubt one of the best ways to re-enact your desires in such a way that fantasy becomes reality!


My new Twitter / X profile set up this year has been received with welcoming arms. I can't thank you enough for all the support I have received. Some have been questioning whether it's really me? 


Well, all I can say is, "yes it is". I'm not here to force you into submission, or to force you to decide I am the real Lady Annabelle, but by the very fact I've created my new website on a secure line shows my authenticity. In order to obtain a secure line, you have to complete an SSL certificate! ID required. So there you go! 



Many whacks and cracks followed by a few hand slaps! That'll see you right all through the night!


I will simply say, I know what it's like to be hacked. I had lengthy battles against the cretins who have ripped my content over the years, it's absolutely heart-breaking! Now that I'm back, I find the web has become even more saturated than ever before, filled with fake profiles, and misleading content. So for those wanting to check my credentials, I say good on you, you cannot be too careful.


So, just drop me an email and let me know the type of session you would like to experience. Do remember, the more detail you provide, the better prepared I will be!

2024 - Lady Annabelle - All photos are owned by Lady Annabelle and are not for sharing!

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